
Dr. Rocío Guil Bozal

Professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Cádiz. In recent years, Prof. Rocío Guil Bozal has focused her research on the implications of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and various indicators of perceived health and Quality of Life (QOL). Some of these specific indicators have been studied in women survivors of breast cancer, and the results have been published in various scientific forums and high-quality scientific journals. Moreover, she has been director of 14 doctoral theses, the last ones about psychological well-being and QoL in patients with mammary neoplasia. All of them with the highest qualifications and honors. It is remarkable the last thesis directed, on which it is analyzed the Workability and Quality of Life of women with breast cancer. Furthermore, she has worked for years in the field of emotions identifying socio-emotional abilities linked to adaptation, detecting risk profiles, and developing and implementing intervention programs. She is a founding member and head of the Emotional Intelligence Laboratory and the group PAIDI HUM 843 "Emotional Intelligence" of the University of Cádiz. She is the author of numerous manuals and books on psychosocial, emotional, and health factors. In addition, she has an extensive list of scientific publications in journals with high-quality indexes, registered in the Journal Citation Reports. Regarding her project experience, she has participated as a research team member, as well as a principal researcher in various projects financed by national and international calls. In these projects, she is recently the Principal Investigator of the project " Improving work capacity and rates back to work in breast cancer survivors: Prodie-Wa Random controlled clinical test" which is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation Of the Government of Spain (Ref: PID2021-125056OB- I00) with 78,408.00 euros. Also has been IP in the project “e-Health para la promoción de la Salud y la Calidad de Vida en Oncología Mamaria" (PIN-01-09-2018) funded by the Ministry of Health of the Junta de Andalucía, about the creation of a mobile application that will carry out psychological monitoring for a year of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. Likewise, she has been the Principal Investigator of the project “Adaptación Escolar en Contextos Multiculturales: Inteligencia Emocional y Estrategias de Aculturación Exitosas” (SEJ2006-04941), funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, on which she has approached the study of cognitive-emotional processing and its relation to adaptive behaviors in various contexts (social, educational, health, etc.). In this project, the recent president of Yale University and the creator of the construct of Emotional Intelligence, Prof. Dr. Peter Salovey, was part of the team.